latest (The Flying Club Cup) isn't officially released until October 9th, but it has made an early debut on emusic and
free napster. Zach's first release (Gulag Orkestar) really didn't work for me: highly influenced by an Eastern European sound (think gypsy music), I appreciated the unique composition and style, but his constant crooning didn't work for me. I was going to pass on The Flying Club Cup for this reason, but after free napstering two tracks, it became an instant purchase.
Moving west through Europe, The Flying Club Cup is Beirut's "French sounding record" (just as Sufjan's working through the states, apparently Zach Condon is working his way through all musical styles of Europe) : horns, accordians, ukeleles, tamborines, strings, waltzes. I actually much prefer this style to the Balkan sound of Gulag Orkestar. Although Zach's still a crooner, this doesn't annoy me nearly as much as it did on the last album. Try the following tracks, for starters: Nantes, A Sunday Smile, Cliquot. And, he's also on
The Takeaway Show.
This sound surely doesn't work for everyone, but I'm very pleasantly surprised at how much I'm digging The Flying Club Cup.